No Meat Athlete + Buffalo Hummus Recipe – Oh She Glows (2024)

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No Meat Athlete + Buffalo Hummus Recipe – Oh She Glows (1)

Today, I’m happy to share a new book by my friend Matt Frazier, creator of the popular blog, No Meat Athlete. I’ve been a big fan of Matt since the early days of my own blog (and of course a big fan of his popular t-shirts!). I’ve always admired his down to earth and approachable writing style and passion for fitness and health. He truly feels like a buddy when you read his blog. Matt can make anyone at any fitness level feel welcome in his space and his enthusiasm about a plant-based diet does just the same. You know how some hard core fitness blogs can make you feel like peeing your pants? Well, I’ve never felt that way reading Matt’s blog. [Ok, maybe there was that one time.] He truly makes health and fitness feel like something we can all achieve whether you are just starting out or shooting for an ultra marathon. Oh and did I mention he does it all while eating a vegan diet?

Matt’s first book, No Meat Athlete, hit the shelves this week (which also marks the beginning of his 40-city book tour!) and I’m so grateful to receive a review copy of his book and to participate in this virtual book tour. First, I’ll tell you a bit about the book and then I’ll share a recipe from the book below! You don’t want to miss this one.

No Meat Athlete + Buffalo Hummus Recipe – Oh She Glows (2)

Here are some features of the No Meat Athlete Book:

Section I of this book is all about Plant-based nutrition for athletes, including topics like:

  • Food and nutrition Philosophy
  • Getting Started: Creating a healthy, Plant-Based eating habit
  • Plant-Based nutrition for Sports: an In-Depth Guide
  • In the Kitchen: Basic Cooking Skills to Save You time, energy, and embarrassment
  • 55 recipes to Fuel Plant-Based athletes

Section II is called Running on Plants with topics like:

  • How You Can Learn to Love running
  • How to Make running a habit
  • Taking It to the next Level: advanced training techniques
  • Training for Your First (or Your Fastest) race

Matt also shares training plans for 5K, 10K, and half marathon races so you can get started right away!

No Meat Athlete + Buffalo Hummus Recipe – Oh She Glows (3)

As I mentioned, there is a recipe chapter in the book featuring 55 plant-based recipes geared towards athletes. These are the recipes that Matt and his family eat on a regular basis and you’ll find many quick and easy recipes in this chapter from Homemade Energy Gel to Cowboy Chili to Black Bean Brownies. Matt so kindly let me share a recipe with you today and let me tell you, it’s a GREAT one!

No Meat Athlete + Buffalo Hummus Recipe – Oh She Glows (4)

No Meat Athlete + Buffalo Hummus Recipe – Oh She Glows (5)

No Meat Athlete Buffalo Hummus

No Meat Athlete + Buffalo Hummus Recipe – Oh She Glows (6)

2 cups
Prep time
Cook time
0 minutes
Total time

Matt’s note:Of all the foods I missed when I went vegetarian, buffalo chicken was number one. It wasn’t so much the chicken I craved as the tangy, burn-your-lips spiciness of buffalo sauce. For a while, I just bought bottles of it and put it on anything and everything, but because most buffalo sauce is made with butter, that stopped working once I went vegan. Fortunately my sister Christine came up with this variation, which combines my favorite flavor with one of the foods I eat most often (hummus). Booyah. As with other hummus recipes, substitute the liquid from the can of chickpeas if you wish to avoid oil. Printed with permission from the bookNo Meat Athleteby Matt Frazier. Excerpted by arrangement with Fair Winds Press. Copyright © 2013.


  • 1 can (15-ounces or 440 g) or 1 1/2 cups (246 g) cooked chickpeas, drained and rinsed
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1/2 teaspoon smoked paprika
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt (I used 1/2 teaspoon fine grain sea salt – AL)
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 2 tablespoons (30 g) tahini
  • 1 tablespoon (15 ml) hot sauce (I used Frank’s Hot Sauce – AL)
  • 1 tablespoon (15 ml) lemon juice
  • 1/2 cup (90 g) jarred roasted red pepper
  • 2 tablespoons (28 ml) olive oil or liquid from can (I used water- AL)
  • Cayenne pepper, to taste, for serving


  1. Combine all the ingredients except the oil (or water) and cayenne. in a food processor. Pulse a few times to combine and then scrape down the sides. With the motor running, stream in the oil (or water) through the feed tube.
  2. Continue to run the motor until you reach the desired consistency; I like to let it for for 5 minutes to get it really smooth.
  3. Add more salt, lemon juice, or hot sauce, to taste, and then sprinkle with cayenne pepper before serving. Angela’s note: I also sprinkled it with cumin, smoked paprika, and more hot sauce.

Nutrition Information

(click to expand)


Congrats again, Matt, on your new book! And good luck with the book tour. I wish you were coming to Toronto. :)

More Appetizer Recipes

  • Cozy At Home Spicy Any-Veggie Soup
  • Game Night Crispy Potato Bruschetta
  • Crunchy Dill Chickpea Pancakes with Lemon-Garlic Aioli
  • 3-Ingredient Chia and Quinoa Flatbread (vegan)



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10 years ago

This has got to be my favorite hummus recipe, yet! I made a double batch and mistakingly opened one can of chili beans instead of 2 garbanzo….so, I just drained them well and used them. Perfect!!! This is one my hubby and son will love, too! Thanks for the hint to run the blender about 5 minutes, too. It turned out very nice… and smooth :)



10 years ago

Made this today and it was amazing! I pretty much followed the recipe exactly… used Texas Pete (plus a little extra). The smoked paprika in it almost tasted like liquid smoke – such a fantastic flavor! I will definitely make this often…. flavored perfectly and a unique, interesting appetizer! Thanks for another awesome recipe!


Nalliah Thayabharan

10 years ago

For hundreds of thousand years we survived on fruits, nuts, seeds, tubers and vegetable until we discovered fire and start roasting animals and birds. True carnivores born with built in tools like strength, claws, teeth and talons for capture, killing and devouring but we do NOT have them. We do NOT have hands that are designed for tearing into bellies of animals, but our hands are perfectly designed for picking fruits from trees. The strongest tough powerful animals like elephants, horses, camels eat only plant foods. Gorillas are 3 times the size of a man but 30 times stronger and they eat only leaves and fruit to produce all the protein they need.



10 years ago

How long does it keep once prepared?


Angela Liddon (Oh She Glows)


Reply toAustin

10 years ago

I would say up to 5 days or a bit longer!



10 years ago

AHHHHHH!!!! I am beyond excited to try this recipe. My newly-trying-to-be-vegan boyfriend and I are obsessed with buffalo chicken, and I’ve been trying to find recipes to satisfy the craving. Seriously cannot wait to try this – thank you!!


Amber Shaus

10 years ago

Just made this as my first attempt at home made hummus. I like hummus plenty but am absolutely over the moon for buffalo sauce. This is amazing.


10 years ago

I’m a little late to the conversation, but I made this hummus the other day (my second homemade hummus attempt – the first one was a different recipe and a bit of a disaster) and it was AMAZING! I want to use the base recipe to try different flavor variations, but I doubt I’ll top the buffalo flavor. Anybody have any suggestions for some other intriguing flavors? I’m sick of the same old store bought stuff.



9 years ago

Just made this, best hummus I’ve ever made! It is delicious. I added a few extra tablespoons of the Franks red hot sauce :)



9 years ago

This is so tasty! I too have missed the Franks in my life. I’ve already done buffalo cauliflower “wings” but this is a tasty alternative that I can dip all sorts of veggies in. Also, I just made this recipe two days in a row, it’s that good.



9 years ago

Hi Angela! I’m fairly new to your site but now I have to say I’m obsessed. I’m about to make a bunch of your granola bars and I just made this hummus — it is AMAZING!! It sounded spicier than I can handle so subbed 1 tsp Sriracha sauce for the hot sauce and cayenne pepper.



9 years ago

Yum! Made this today!!!!! So yummy!!! I added more hot sauce and spices!
So goooood!!!!!!



9 years ago

Great review. Thanks,Angela. I am from Peru. My husband, daughter and I are vegan,too. We have recently taken up Karate and it’s very demading. Our sensei used to tell us we need to eat meat and eggs in order to keep up with the training. That was at first since, now he doesn’t insist ´cause we have improved and shown we can endure as well as others, but we do need to eat more vegan stuff to help us get more energy and build some muscles. Your books and Matt’s will be a great addition to our library!



9 years ago

MMM, I made this fabulous buffalo hummus last night and between me and the boyfriend it’s already half gone! It’s superb. I’m off to the supermarket for more supplies tonight!



9 years ago

This hummus rocks – at last a really good home made hummus! I have been trying for years to get it right; I’m so excited! Your great ideas and pictures have me addicted to your blog. I’m asking for your cookbook for Christmas and I want Mat’ts book for my marathoner son. Thanks Angela!


Find My Rice

8 years ago

Great recipe. Would definitely share this!



8 years ago

Wow! I just made this today and it was YUMAZING! You know those foods you kind of miss after becoming vegan? AKA Buffalo Dip? Well this just gave the original a major run for its money! So delish! I followed the recipe AND added about a tablespoon of nutritional yeast just to see if I could get a little more of the “cheesiness” factor- it worked! Topped it off with Angela’s suggestions. Will be making this all summer. Thanks to Matt and looking forward to more recipes! :)



8 years ago

I can’t wait to try this! I want to make this to go with the baked tofu strips recipe, is there any way to thin it out without losing flavor to make it more of a hummus dipping sauce?


Karen Conorino

8 years ago

We were vegetarian for a couple years & 2 years ago became vegan. This is our favorite hummus recipe, easy & SO YUMMY! I’ve made it so many times & always forget to let you know how fantastic it is, thanks!


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No Meat Athlete + Buffalo Hummus Recipe – Oh She Glows (2024)
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Name: Terence Hammes MD

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